What is the Washoe County Medical Society?
The Washoe County Medical Society is a non-profit entity incorporated in the state of Nevada. The Washoe County Medical Society is commonly referred to as “WCMS”.
The Washoe County Medical Society serves as a primary source of health related information, we seek to educate our members and the citizens of Northern Nevada. We strive to maintain the highest standard of ethics and medical care throughout our community.
As a professional organization, we shall nurture these goals by cooperating with the American Medical Association, the Nevada State Medical Association, and other County Medical Societies and Alliances in the state of Nevada.
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Group Health Insurance for WCMS Members and Affiliates
If you are in a group with 2-50 full-time employees, your clinic is eligible for an association health plan when all the physicians in your group are members of WCMS. To join individually, go here. If you wish a group invoice, contact Wendy Rodriguez, [email protected] or 775-825-0278, who will help you enroll and process multiple membership applications.
Washoe County Medical Society (WCMS) active and affiliate members now have access to health insurance benefits through Prominence Health Plan that includes several different medical plan options offered with a composite rating structure. Open enrollment begins June 1 with benefits effective July 1 and Aug. 1. New members to WCMS may enroll their groups as soon as their membership applications are approved and payment is received.
Health benefits include Teladoc telemedicine for 24/7 health access via telephone or video from physicians and behavior health specialists, plus the Prominence provider network extends throughout the state, in both city and rural areas for convenient and ample coverage to quality care.
Dental care, vision plans, and life insurance are also available through Kansas City Life.
For More Information Click Here
For more information about association health plans for your office practice, contact your local insurance broker or reach out directly to Prominence at [email protected] or via our Prominence account manager [email protected].
Thank you to our 2024 WCMS Annual Gala Sponsors and Supporters
Contact Wendy: [email protected]
Diamond Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
WCMS Supporters

Wendy Rodriguez, Membership and Event Manager
Office Phone:
(775) 825-0278
(775) 825-0785