Happy Hour at BeerNV Draws Members & Prospects
We started the new year with a happy hour at BeerNV to introduce prospects to WCMS and to renew member friendships. We plan to host these small gatherings to encourage members to get acquainted and to introduce prospective members to the benefits of being a member.
The next happy hour will be 5:30-7:30 p.m., Feb. 17 at a location to be announced
We are pleased to join AWCMS in co-hosting this gathering. Watch your email for details. Reservations aren’t required but we’d appreciate an RSVP so we can order enough appetizers.
At UNR, where we pride ourselves on being a community medical school, we rely so much on private and community physicians and educators to help us come out as well-trained, fully functioning residents and, boy, do y’all really come through for us in a big way. We get amazing training here. Swapping stories with the medical students I’ve had the opportunity to meet nationally through the AMA and while out on my away rotation, it’s become increasingly apparent to me how lucky we are in terms of how well-rounded and robust our curriculum is as well as the responsibilities we’re allowed and how much we really get to do in clinicals. And all of that is thanks to you.